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We're ready to launch the podcast of the Gen Jones stories!

Kimberly OLeary

From January to June, 2023, I was busy interviewing people who were born in the Gen Jones cohort. We've been traveling the world in our retirement, and I've had a chance to interview folks from Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji as well as Americans. To date, I have interviewed 15 people. Their stories are part of a larger pattern, but each individual story is interesting as well.

It took me longer to edit the interviews, generate accurate transcripts, then put all of it together in podcast episodes. I'll be linking to podcasts on Spotify through the Gen Jones Chronicles channel. I also have some short videos of myself discussing issues which I have linked to my Gen Jones Chronicles You Tube channel.

The first podcast was released today! I will make every effort to release a podcast each week thereafter for 15 weeks. After that, I'll start doing more interviews. If anyone out there knows someone I should definitely interview, feel free to e-mail me at and I'll see what I can do, time allowing. Since I can't interview everyone, if you were born between 1954 and 1964, I invite you to go here and tell your story.

If you're older or younger than we Gen Jonesers, feel free to comment on any of the videos, podcast episodes, or blog posts about your interactions with Gen Jonesers. I'd love to know what you think.

In fact, I'd love to know what everyone thinks about the project. Am I asking the right questions? Is there something else I should explore? Let me know!

And please, share this blog post and the podcast with your friends. Please join me on this journey - I think you'll be glad you did!

Here's my list of future episodes:

1. Paul Blaha, 9/10/23

2. Mata from Aotearoa, 9/17/23

3. Paul Webster, 9/24/23

4. Mable Martin-Scott, 10/1/23

5. Brendan Cullen, 10/8/23

6. 66-year-old woman from Victoria, Australia, 10/15/23

7. Mark Dotson, 10/22/23

8. Cecilia Webster, 10/29/23

9. Dan, a 62-year-old man from Montana, 11/5/23

10. Cheryl Green, 11/12/23

11. Michael Jensen, 11/19/23

12. GDM, 11/26/23

13. Tonya Krause-Phelan, 12/3/23

14. Nan, a 59-year-old woman from Montana, 12/10/23

15. A 64-year-old man from Fiji, 12/17/23

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