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Episode 10 is live! Listen to my interview with Cheryl Green from New Zealand

Kimberly OLeary

Updated: Jan 5, 2024

After a bit of a delay, the project of producing the episodes for Season 1 is back on track. During our last week in Japan, I had software problems and had to upgrade my editor software and move the editing programs to an SS drive. My little travel laptop just couldn't store everything properly. Since then, it's been a whirlwind while we traveled back to the U.S. for the first time in over a year. We had great adventures in Hawaii and Rio Nido, California, where we visited with friends and family. Then, we returned to our home base in MIchigan and immediately attended a wedding, traveled to Louisville to see extended family, back to Lansing, celebrated Christmas and New Year, had doctor and dentist appointments....well, you get the idea. We're now settled in a nice two-bedroom apartment in Lansing where I have set up my office space and can get back to work. I hope you enjoy this interview. I haven't generated the transcript yet but I'm working on it. I still have 5 additional interviews that I will edit and publish as soon as I can. I know you will enjoy them. I also hope to begin interviewing more Jonesers this month. If anyone has suggestions for different questions in the second season, let me know by sending an email to

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